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Index for Util

Matlab files in this directory:

 ImageFusionImageFusion contains different method of image fusion
 Show_PyrShow_Pyr shows the pyramid representation of an image
 TestImageFusionTestImageFusion: loads two images images and make fusion
 build_pyrBUILD_PYR constructs a particular pyramid (Haar) on matrix im.
 classifxCLASSIFX classifies pixels of x in K=length(s)-1 classes.
 contourxCONTOURX calcule les discontinuites dans une image
 conv1dCONV1D effectue une convolution 1D
 conv2dCONV2D effectue une convolution 2D
 dec1d_nodispDEC1D_RQP Deconvolution par regularisation quadratique avec options
 dec1d_rqpDEC1D_RQP Deconvolution par regularisation quadratique avec options
 dec2d_rqpdec2d_RQP Deconvolution par regularisation quadratique avec options
 diffxDIFFX calcul les discontinuites horizontales 0
 diffxyDIFFXY calcul les discontinuites a 45° (diagonale)
 diffyDIFFY calcul les discontinuites verticales 90
 diffyxDIFFYX calcule les discontinuites a 135° (anti diagonale)
 downDOWN downsamples an image by a given factor
 down1DOWN1 down samples x
 down_up1DOWN_UP1 down samples an image and then up samples the result.
 getnewGETNEW is equivalent to INPUT with default value
 gfxyGFXY computes gradient of an image in 0, 90, 45 and 135 directions
 gtfxyGTFXY computes gradient of an image in 180, -90, -45 and -135 directions
 hist2dHIST2D generate 2D histogram
 local_maxLOCAL_MAX finds positions and values of local max of x
 local_maxminLOCAL_MAXMIN finds positions and values of local maxs and mins of x
 mplotMPLOT - plot the columns of X as a function of t
 mplot0MPLOT0 - plots the columns of X as a function of t
 norm01NORM01 normalizes elements of X between 0 and 1.
 norm0255NORM0255 normalizes elements of X between 0 and nc-1.
 pgmReadIM = pgmRead( FILENAME )
 posPOS applies the positivity constraint on a vector
 pyrBandIndicesRES = pyrBandIndices(INDICES, BAND_NUM)
 recon_pyrRES = recon_pyr(PYR, INDICES, LEVS)
 segment1SEGMENT1 segments an image x by thresholding and connexity test
 sheppSHEPP generates the famous Shepp and Logan image in computed tomography
 trace_multipleTRACE_MULTIPLE trace les lignes successive de X
 upUP upsampling an image by a given factor
 up1UP1 Upsampling an image
 vis0VIS0 visualizes a 3D object.
 vis3dVIS3D visualize a 3D object fxyz and its 3 main (xy,xz,yz) planes.
 vis_volVIS_VOL visualizes a volume
 zinterpZINTERP makes a high (low) resolution image from a low(high) resolution one

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